Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Soon to lose another Foster Dog from ABCR

My Husband and I have had 16 foster dogs at our house for ABCR, and we are about to lose our latest dog to her new forever home.
Our all the dogs we have had in our house, including the one Border Collie we kept, Emma is by far the best dog we have had with us. She absolutely do not have ANY bad habits.
The only thing Emma is guilty of is occasionally being a little possessive but that is easily corrected.
She is a little bit of a picky eater and thinks she has to have wet food mixed in with her dry, but other than that all she wants to do is be petted by anyone that is willing to pet her.
I also have never seen a dog that likes to be brushed more that her.
It took us forever to get her to use our dog door but she is completely potty trained so it really isn't an issue.
She came to us a owner turn in, because her former owners said they didn't have enough time for her.
Everything her former owners told us about her was completely off base. They said Emma didn't like women or kids, and that she only liked men. Totally NOT true, she loves me, my Daughter, and all her Friends, and my Husband.
They said Emma didn't like to go for walks, NOT true, she LOVES going for walks.
Emma is just an awesome loving dog. When we first got her she acted like she didn't know what a pet was, but now she will come up and beg for pets, and if you start to pet her and then start she will hit you with her paw to try and get you to pet her more.
Every morning when I get up she wants me to scratch her bum in her lower back nearest her tail, and then she will lie on the floor and show me her belly and wants to be scratched there as well.
I would say 90% of the time when a foster dog we have goes to their new forever home it is very sad, but Emma is one of those that will stay in our hearts forever. We have had her 2 months yesterday. I am sure Emma thinks we are her forever home, and we would love nothing more than to keep her forever, except for two things. One we have 3 dogs currently that are our children and 4 dogs forever would just be too much. Secondly, if we were to keep Emma then that would mean we have no more room in our home to save any more dogs, and we would like to continue to save dogs lives. Plus we are always very careful in picking out our dogs new forever homes and make sure they go to the very best new homes.
So even though it will break out hearts to let Emma go, we will know in our hearts that she is going to a very special new home with people that will love her and treat her the way she should and deserves to be treated.
So here is our pretty girl....

So Emma we wish you well when you leave our home to go live with your forever home, and we hope you never forget the love we showed you, but we hope you will live out your life being petted and brushed like no other dog out there.
We will miss you and you will remain in our hearts forever!
Good luck Emma!


  1. Its going to be a sad, sad day when she leaves but we do not know that these people coming to meet her are the right family for her yet. We still have to meet them.

    Kathy is right though, Emma is the best dog ever. She is perfect in everyway ad will be missed alot.

  2. I miss Emma. Lets go kidnap her and get her back. She wae the best dog
