I haven't quite finished the 2 pieces of furniture I am repainting and working on so I am not post about that.
My Husband still hasn't found a job in this wonderful economy we have Thank you to all involved in the HORRIBLE job market, I just can't Thank you enough!
While I am at it, let me thank the oil companies for driving up gas prices for no real reason except with the unrest in the Middle East it was a great excuse for them to get greedy again. Please don't tell me it has to do with anything else but greed. Because wait until all the reports come out and I promise you the oil and gas companies will be recording record profits! Well yippee doo for them! Meanwhile our grocery prices go up, we can't afford to drive anywhere, and my Husband is still unemployed which makes filling up the car even more enjoyable.
(Let me take the time here to throw out there that my Husband is unemployed but at no fault of his. He was blind sided with a lay off, and he spends a lot of his day filling out resumes and if I know him in the last couple weeks he has been unemployed he has probably send out a 100 resumes. So I just want to throw this out there so no one think he is a slacker and doesn't desperately want a job)
So as you can see I am in just a peachy mood. I will say this I do not recommend giving up smoking and a Starbucks habit all in the same week, things tend to get a little rocky when you take these things away from people.
Right now this Country is looking pretty sad. We have beyond record number house foreclosures, gas and food prices are soaring faster that we can keep up with, unemployment is threw the roof, and worst of all a certain male celebrity with or with our mental and drug issues is captivating this Country. It is all so sad and upsetting and I wish I could just tune it all out and it would simply go away.
The sad thing is I am not sure what if anything cant change things around for this Country. It certainly isn't Obama, and I am sure it won't likely be any other yahoo out there that thinks they can run this Country. I guess we can only be the Top Country for so long, you can't always be the top dog and the best at everything. Eventually you have to slip and be 2nd or 3rd or worse.
Do you want to know what is the saddest thing of all is?
I am sitting here thinking, naively I might add, that all I need is a weekend home alone with no one around and things will get better. LOLOLOL!
Well I am seeing this now, but whatever, I want to stay up late and sleep in late, watch hours and hours of HGTV, no shower, not eat, and work on my furniture items I am redoing. That is what I want to do this weekend, and the only way any of that will happen is if I am home alone. If anyone else is home with me then it will be impossible because there wil be cooking and cleaning and mothering and always something to be done.
When I was a kid my Mother was a single Mom to us from the time I was 10yr old up. She used to threaten to go on strike all the time and we never could figure out why, we didn't think we ever did anything wrong.
Well guess what Mom I now understand why you wanted to go on strike, and some times I do too.
I know I am a wimp and I will be the first one to admit it and I don't care. I am not a single Mom, I have a Husband, I only have 1 very good sweet loving child that is 10yrs old, and I have 3 dogs, and I work a full time job. BIG DEAL! My Mom raised 7 of us, with no money and no man around. I should be able to do what I do without wanting to go on strike.
So I am simply going to blame this entire blog on my lack of Starbucks and Cigarettes!

I will try and be better tomorrow but no promises with no cigarettes or Starbucks.

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