At least I got 2 gallons of Oops Paint before the accident, and was happily on my way home with it when the accident happened. But it was all good because I got a gallon of Behr Paint and Primer in One, in a Satin Finish AND in a nice white for $5.
I also got a nice Behr premium paint, in a very nice off white to beige that was a $26 gallon of paint in an Eggshell finish for $5. So I was happy.
and THEN!........
I am not sure what it is about me, but people LOVE to run into the back of me in my car.
Last night on my way home from Work and buying paint at Home Depot, I was sitting at a red light when I heard that unforgettable shrieking of brakes and tires.
I looked up in the rear view mirror just as a lady in a small Ford Ranger truck slammed HARD into the back of my Jeep Cherokee. I hit my forehead on the steering wheel, my drink in the drink holder went everywhere. As soon as I realized exactly what happened I sat that for a second, and my head hurt, and my back hurt. I just froze, it took me a minute to just think. Of Course, I went to call my husband and couldn't dial the phone, and then I gave him the wrong intersection I was at. I told him an intersection closer to our house and in the opposite direction of where I actually was.
The lady that hit me was a very nice apologetic woman in her 50's, she had just picked up her Dad's truck as her Ford Expedition was in the shop for repairs (thank God). She admitted to not paying attention and running into me.
I was shocked at how hard she hit me, I am not even sure she had begun to slow down for the red light that I was sitting at.
He car appears to be more damaged than mine, she had fluid leaking from the radiator and broken lights, and grill, and who knows what all else that was broke.
My back hatch on the Jeep will not open and is smashed in, the bumper is all messed up, it is part metal and part plastic, and the plastic is about to pop off. Of course who knows what type of damage there is to my Jeep that I can't see. My back and head hurt too much for me to lean down and look under the Jeep last night and surely I am too sore today to bend over and look. I have a bruised lump on my forehead, my lower back hurts, I have been dizzy all day, the bottom of my right foot hurts. and my neck is bothering me and stiff on the right side and hurts at the base of my skull on the right side, I am tired, and HAVE to wear my glasses today as I think my vision sucks a little more today, but it may be because I am so tired. It is actually kind of fun being this dizzy. I am running into things and falling over things.
They asked me if I wanted the Fire dept to come out to the scene last night, but since I had called my Husband first I did not want to have the Fire Dept there and scare my Daughter when Lloyd pulled up with her. Plus I do not like attention or to go to the Hospital unless I am dying. I would have felt like a fool had they showed up to look at my bump and my back, I need there to be blood before I would allow anyone to call the Fire Dept.
This morning I woke up sorer so I am leaving work early to go to the Doctor, I don't know if they can do much, but it will make my Husband happy and I just want to make sure all is okay as I have a Daughter I need to raise, so for her I am going.
My Husband of course was none to happy that his Jeep is damaged, plus right now until it is fixed we can not haul furniture for me to redo, and I wanted to go to an auction tomorrow night.
I am not sure what is is about me that people like to run into ME.
About 7 years ago I was at Desert Ridge and a Escalade backed into me from their parking space, then about 5 months later I was in a line of cars trying to leave a QT mini mart and a guy in a HEARSE backed into me.
Then when Megan was 4 I bought a brand new Kia Sorento, and after I had it about 6 months a guy in a Acura ran into the back of me when I was sitting at a light (again) exiting the 101 freeway. Again the other person's care the worst part of the damage. I think her totaled his car and just wrecked my bummer.
Then again another 4 months after that guy hit me, I was making a right hand turn in Gilbert, and I was sitting at the red light waiting for it to change, because it said "no right turn on red" and a guy in a pick up with a brush guard on it ran into my back end AGAIN. Again had to have bumper replaced and he messed up my exhaust pipe.
Let's hope people stop running into me. I really hope they fix the jeep and make my Husband happy, because I don't want him made at me if something happens to the Jeep, as I can not help it if some one ran into me.
So I haven't had an accident since then, until last night when again some one runs into ME.
I also hate dealing with insurance companies, and now I am missing work to go to Doctor and have to take PTO, and pay a $25 co-pay to go to Doctor, then possible co-pay for meds, and on and on.
I did feel bad for the lady yesterday as she got a ticket for running into me, and I am sure that isn't cheap, or she could take traffic school.
I just want to be able to haul my furniture again!
The life and times of the Stites Family! Kathy (me), Lloyd, Megan, and the dogs- Maloney, Seymour, and Mardi
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
My first Shabby Chic Creations
I bought this cabinet on Craiglist for $30
Well it is currently listed on Craiglist and is for sale.
I am now working on 2 little tables, but unforunately I did not get before pictures of these tables and I really wish I had, because they both were very ugly and now they look beautiful Shabby chic and will be up and available for sale soon.
And I removed all the hardware, sanded it to prep it and then put primer on it, and I thought hand painting was better and so that was what I did. Only to learn that most smart people out the spray paint their furniture, well live and learn this was my first piece.
When I went to the store to pick out paint my Husband went with me and he was over looking and found where you can buy paint for next to nothing because people bought a custom color and for whatever reason didn't buy it. So I found a galon of very good paint in a green I thought would be perfect for the cabinet and the entire gallon of awesome paint cost me $5!
After I painted it, I distressed it and then sprayed it with a Polyruethane coating and below is the end results of my work.
I thought the color would be perfect for it to be shabby chic, and then after I put it on, I thought that this would make a very cute cabinet for a nursery to put baby stuff in.Well it is currently listed on Craiglist and is for sale.
I am now working on 2 little tables, but unforunately I did not get before pictures of these tables and I really wish I had, because they both were very ugly and now they look beautiful Shabby chic and will be up and available for sale soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011
A Double Standard is a Double it not?
I have always been on the thin side my entire life (well except for when I was born, I weighed 10lbs 6 oz) and all my life people have made unwanted comments about my weight. I take issue with this for many reasons.
One, I do not think anyone should ever comment on any one's weight period. I have been told numerous times "you are so skinny it is disgusting." I am sorry but the last time I checked being told you look disgusting is NOT a compliment. I do not want to hear any one's opinion on my weight.
Secondly, if I told some one "oh my gosh you are so fat you look disgusting" I would be fired from any job, and/or killed by the person I said that too. Yet when you are thin people think that your weight is up for conversation, well they are wrong.
Please do not tell me that I should take these comments as a compliment, or that when people say things to you it is because they are jealous. I do not care, I find it just as rude as if some one was to comment on an overweight persons weight issues. I had an incident at work recently where a coworker said "you are so skinny it is disgusting."
Well I went to my boss because I find this highly offensive and not something I should have to put up with at work. My boss told me that I need to simply tell the person that I what they are saying hurts my feelings, and that she was sure that the person meant it as a compliment. Well I think that is unacceptable. I told my boss that if the roles were reverse and I had made the same comment to an overweight coworker that I would be fired, and she AGREED, yet the punishment for the coworker that made comment to me was that my boss "would talk to her", but she would not be in trouble she just must not realize what she is saying to you is upsetting you." WHAT??? Are you kidding? If the roles were reverse the person making rude comments to an overweight person would be FIRED, but because I am not overweight, this person will only be "talked to"!
That my friend is what you call a DOUBLE STANDARD
So I did not ever confront this co-worker and over the months that comments have continued and I have said nothing. I am not one to confront people and I would feel like an idiot saying "you hurt my feelings". Well so yesterday this same co-worker made another comment. I was going to let it go but she caught me on a bad day as you can tell from yesterdays post. So I told my Husband and he said I should tell my boss, and the more I thought about it the more I thought I should too.
So I wrote my boss and email and this morning she came to talk to me. Then very shortly after that here comes the co-worker that made all the comments. She tried to sneak in my office and put a note on my desk but Bam I was sitting here and I said "Hi how are you?' and she proceeded to tell me she "was sorry and that she wishes she had my figure and (then another back hand compliment) she said I think of you as a girl, you have a girls figure." Oh so that is nice at 42 I have a girls figure! Thanks!
I do not think her apology of note was very sincere, I detected a note of anger and unhappiness that she had to be talked to by my boss not that she was actually sorry about her comments. So whatever at least she won't dare make another comment to me, but I am still upset that we have this HUGE double standard in our society.
I have another co-worker that is very thin and she has had the same issues with people at work and has been told the same thing as I by my boss, and it aggravates the both of us that we have to put up with this from our co-workers but yet overweight people here are protected more than us.
So I guess as always this is something I will just have to deal with. I remember as a kid and my entire adult life have do deal with these comments. I remember one time I had a job when I lived in California and I worked with this one woman who happened to be very over weight and she was constantly making rude comments to me. I called my mom in tears and she was so funny she made me a shirt on one side that said "why am I so skinny?" and on the other it said "because I am lucky." She wanted me to wear it to work so this co-worker of mine would see it and hopefully leave me alone. By the way, this co-worker in no way meant for her comments to me compliments she did it to just be mean.
I don't know maybe I shouldn't be so sensitive about people making comments about my weight, and actually sometimes I do take things they say as a compliment, but that being said I absolutely hate that there is a double standard when it comes to this.
Well there is my rant for the day!
The good news is my Husband and kid areout of town this weekend and I am going to have my own mini vacation ALONE! I am thrilled to be alone and have some me time. The problems is I started out not wanting to do anything this weekend but now I have a ton of things I want to do around the house I doubt I will have time to do them all much less get to be lazy like I want. I promise though I will get a couple of naps in.
Have a great weekend!
One, I do not think anyone should ever comment on any one's weight period. I have been told numerous times "you are so skinny it is disgusting." I am sorry but the last time I checked being told you look disgusting is NOT a compliment. I do not want to hear any one's opinion on my weight.
Secondly, if I told some one "oh my gosh you are so fat you look disgusting" I would be fired from any job, and/or killed by the person I said that too. Yet when you are thin people think that your weight is up for conversation, well they are wrong.
Please do not tell me that I should take these comments as a compliment, or that when people say things to you it is because they are jealous. I do not care, I find it just as rude as if some one was to comment on an overweight persons weight issues. I had an incident at work recently where a coworker said "you are so skinny it is disgusting."
Well I went to my boss because I find this highly offensive and not something I should have to put up with at work. My boss told me that I need to simply tell the person that I what they are saying hurts my feelings, and that she was sure that the person meant it as a compliment. Well I think that is unacceptable. I told my boss that if the roles were reverse and I had made the same comment to an overweight coworker that I would be fired, and she AGREED, yet the punishment for the coworker that made comment to me was that my boss "would talk to her", but she would not be in trouble she just must not realize what she is saying to you is upsetting you." WHAT??? Are you kidding? If the roles were reverse the person making rude comments to an overweight person would be FIRED, but because I am not overweight, this person will only be "talked to"!
That my friend is what you call a DOUBLE STANDARD
So I did not ever confront this co-worker and over the months that comments have continued and I have said nothing. I am not one to confront people and I would feel like an idiot saying "you hurt my feelings". Well so yesterday this same co-worker made another comment. I was going to let it go but she caught me on a bad day as you can tell from yesterdays post. So I told my Husband and he said I should tell my boss, and the more I thought about it the more I thought I should too.
So I wrote my boss and email and this morning she came to talk to me. Then very shortly after that here comes the co-worker that made all the comments. She tried to sneak in my office and put a note on my desk but Bam I was sitting here and I said "Hi how are you?' and she proceeded to tell me she "was sorry and that she wishes she had my figure and (then another back hand compliment) she said I think of you as a girl, you have a girls figure." Oh so that is nice at 42 I have a girls figure! Thanks!
I do not think her apology of note was very sincere, I detected a note of anger and unhappiness that she had to be talked to by my boss not that she was actually sorry about her comments. So whatever at least she won't dare make another comment to me, but I am still upset that we have this HUGE double standard in our society.
I have another co-worker that is very thin and she has had the same issues with people at work and has been told the same thing as I by my boss, and it aggravates the both of us that we have to put up with this from our co-workers but yet overweight people here are protected more than us.
So I guess as always this is something I will just have to deal with. I remember as a kid and my entire adult life have do deal with these comments. I remember one time I had a job when I lived in California and I worked with this one woman who happened to be very over weight and she was constantly making rude comments to me. I called my mom in tears and she was so funny she made me a shirt on one side that said "why am I so skinny?" and on the other it said "because I am lucky." She wanted me to wear it to work so this co-worker of mine would see it and hopefully leave me alone. By the way, this co-worker in no way meant for her comments to me compliments she did it to just be mean.
I don't know maybe I shouldn't be so sensitive about people making comments about my weight, and actually sometimes I do take things they say as a compliment, but that being said I absolutely hate that there is a double standard when it comes to this.
Well there is my rant for the day!
The good news is my Husband and kid areout of town this weekend and I am going to have my own mini vacation ALONE! I am thrilled to be alone and have some me time. The problems is I started out not wanting to do anything this weekend but now I have a ton of things I want to do around the house I doubt I will have time to do them all much less get to be lazy like I want. I promise though I will get a couple of naps in.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011
My mom always said if you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all!
Therefore that is why I have not posted in a while.
I haven't quite finished the 2 pieces of furniture I am repainting and working on so I am not post about that.
My Husband still hasn't found a job in this wonderful economy we have Thank you to all involved in the HORRIBLE job market, I just can't Thank you enough!
While I am at it, let me thank the oil companies for driving up gas prices for no real reason except with the unrest in the Middle East it was a great excuse for them to get greedy again. Please don't tell me it has to do with anything else but greed. Because wait until all the reports come out and I promise you the oil and gas companies will be recording record profits! Well yippee doo for them! Meanwhile our grocery prices go up, we can't afford to drive anywhere, and my Husband is still unemployed which makes filling up the car even more enjoyable.
(Let me take the time here to throw out there that my Husband is unemployed but at no fault of his. He was blind sided with a lay off, and he spends a lot of his day filling out resumes and if I know him in the last couple weeks he has been unemployed he has probably send out a 100 resumes. So I just want to throw this out there so no one think he is a slacker and doesn't desperately want a job)
So as you can see I am in just a peachy mood. I will say this I do not recommend giving up smoking and a Starbucks habit all in the same week, things tend to get a little rocky when you take these things away from people.
Right now this Country is looking pretty sad. We have beyond record number house foreclosures, gas and food prices are soaring faster that we can keep up with, unemployment is threw the roof, and worst of all a certain male celebrity with or with our mental and drug issues is captivating this Country. It is all so sad and upsetting and I wish I could just tune it all out and it would simply go away.
The sad thing is I am not sure what if anything cant change things around for this Country. It certainly isn't Obama, and I am sure it won't likely be any other yahoo out there that thinks they can run this Country. I guess we can only be the Top Country for so long, you can't always be the top dog and the best at everything. Eventually you have to slip and be 2nd or 3rd or worse.
Do you want to know what is the saddest thing of all is?
I am sitting here thinking, naively I might add, that all I need is a weekend home alone with no one around and things will get better. LOLOLOL!
Well I am seeing this now, but whatever, I want to stay up late and sleep in late, watch hours and hours of HGTV, no shower, not eat, and work on my furniture items I am redoing. That is what I want to do this weekend, and the only way any of that will happen is if I am home alone. If anyone else is home with me then it will be impossible because there wil be cooking and cleaning and mothering and always something to be done.
When I was a kid my Mother was a single Mom to us from the time I was 10yr old up. She used to threaten to go on strike all the time and we never could figure out why, we didn't think we ever did anything wrong.
Well guess what Mom I now understand why you wanted to go on strike, and some times I do too.
I know I am a wimp and I will be the first one to admit it and I don't care. I am not a single Mom, I have a Husband, I only have 1 very good sweet loving child that is 10yrs old, and I have 3 dogs, and I work a full time job. BIG DEAL! My Mom raised 7 of us, with no money and no man around. I should be able to do what I do without wanting to go on strike.
So I am simply going to blame this entire blog on my lack of Starbucks and Cigarettes!

I will try and be better tomorrow but no promises with no cigarettes or Starbucks.
I haven't quite finished the 2 pieces of furniture I am repainting and working on so I am not post about that.
My Husband still hasn't found a job in this wonderful economy we have Thank you to all involved in the HORRIBLE job market, I just can't Thank you enough!
While I am at it, let me thank the oil companies for driving up gas prices for no real reason except with the unrest in the Middle East it was a great excuse for them to get greedy again. Please don't tell me it has to do with anything else but greed. Because wait until all the reports come out and I promise you the oil and gas companies will be recording record profits! Well yippee doo for them! Meanwhile our grocery prices go up, we can't afford to drive anywhere, and my Husband is still unemployed which makes filling up the car even more enjoyable.
(Let me take the time here to throw out there that my Husband is unemployed but at no fault of his. He was blind sided with a lay off, and he spends a lot of his day filling out resumes and if I know him in the last couple weeks he has been unemployed he has probably send out a 100 resumes. So I just want to throw this out there so no one think he is a slacker and doesn't desperately want a job)
So as you can see I am in just a peachy mood. I will say this I do not recommend giving up smoking and a Starbucks habit all in the same week, things tend to get a little rocky when you take these things away from people.
Right now this Country is looking pretty sad. We have beyond record number house foreclosures, gas and food prices are soaring faster that we can keep up with, unemployment is threw the roof, and worst of all a certain male celebrity with or with our mental and drug issues is captivating this Country. It is all so sad and upsetting and I wish I could just tune it all out and it would simply go away.
The sad thing is I am not sure what if anything cant change things around for this Country. It certainly isn't Obama, and I am sure it won't likely be any other yahoo out there that thinks they can run this Country. I guess we can only be the Top Country for so long, you can't always be the top dog and the best at everything. Eventually you have to slip and be 2nd or 3rd or worse.
Do you want to know what is the saddest thing of all is?
I am sitting here thinking, naively I might add, that all I need is a weekend home alone with no one around and things will get better. LOLOLOL!
Well I am seeing this now, but whatever, I want to stay up late and sleep in late, watch hours and hours of HGTV, no shower, not eat, and work on my furniture items I am redoing. That is what I want to do this weekend, and the only way any of that will happen is if I am home alone. If anyone else is home with me then it will be impossible because there wil be cooking and cleaning and mothering and always something to be done.
When I was a kid my Mother was a single Mom to us from the time I was 10yr old up. She used to threaten to go on strike all the time and we never could figure out why, we didn't think we ever did anything wrong.
Well guess what Mom I now understand why you wanted to go on strike, and some times I do too.
I know I am a wimp and I will be the first one to admit it and I don't care. I am not a single Mom, I have a Husband, I only have 1 very good sweet loving child that is 10yrs old, and I have 3 dogs, and I work a full time job. BIG DEAL! My Mom raised 7 of us, with no money and no man around. I should be able to do what I do without wanting to go on strike.
So I am simply going to blame this entire blog on my lack of Starbucks and Cigarettes!

I will try and be better tomorrow but no promises with no cigarettes or Starbucks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Megan's Honors Band Concert - March 2, 2011
Well with all the negatives in the world and in our life right now I need to write about something positive and that something positive is my kid, my loving beautiful, big hearted, amazingly smart, and talented Daughter Megan.
She plays the flute and only started at the beginning of this school year. They actually only started playing their actual instruments in October and she already had one concert and last night was her second concert.
She was asked to be in Honors band by her band teacher Ms Shaeffer. So this has meant us getting her to school 30 minutes to an hour early for the last week and a half so they can practice for the concert she had last night.
Megan practices every night so I can hear how well she is improving but I was absolutely blown away last night when I heard the entire Scottsdale South District 5th grade Honor Band play! WOW!
There was 3 different age group playing last night. The 5th graders did 2 songs, the 6th graders did 2 songs, and then the 7th and 8th graders did 2 songs. I was absolutely blown away by all of the bands because they all did an amazing job and played some pretty tough music.
Megan's first band concert was entirely different, as parents we think our kids are perfect, and it was all parents and proud family members at the last concert and I have to be honest it was not the best sounding band. I thought it was good because of how short of time they had all been playing but it in no way could compare to last night.
Then we found something last night that was extraordinary and really touched me and impressed me.....All the band teachers that have been practicing at their many different school spent the entire day yesterday and evening preparing and helping the kids for this concert did it all on their own personal time without ANY pay. They all took the day off with no pay to put on this concert.
This is very amazing and touching to me. In this economy and day and time I am shocked that there are teachers and people out there that are willing to do such a thing so a bunch of school kids can play their band instruments for their parents. That is true dedication and frankly I wish more people were committed to kids and their educations.
We have plenty of politicians that have no problem cutting our school budgets. When are people in this Country going to realize that our kids and their educations are #1 priority and we need to make some serious education reforms and make cutting education budgets unacceptable. I could go on and on about this but I will save it for another time.
So anyways back to the concert here is a picture of the entire 5th grade band but you can't even see my kid.
Here is my Sister and Megan's Aunt Karen with Megan after the concert.
She plays the flute and only started at the beginning of this school year. They actually only started playing their actual instruments in October and she already had one concert and last night was her second concert.
She was asked to be in Honors band by her band teacher Ms Shaeffer. So this has meant us getting her to school 30 minutes to an hour early for the last week and a half so they can practice for the concert she had last night.
Megan practices every night so I can hear how well she is improving but I was absolutely blown away last night when I heard the entire Scottsdale South District 5th grade Honor Band play! WOW!
There was 3 different age group playing last night. The 5th graders did 2 songs, the 6th graders did 2 songs, and then the 7th and 8th graders did 2 songs. I was absolutely blown away by all of the bands because they all did an amazing job and played some pretty tough music.
Megan's first band concert was entirely different, as parents we think our kids are perfect, and it was all parents and proud family members at the last concert and I have to be honest it was not the best sounding band. I thought it was good because of how short of time they had all been playing but it in no way could compare to last night.
Then we found something last night that was extraordinary and really touched me and impressed me.....All the band teachers that have been practicing at their many different school spent the entire day yesterday and evening preparing and helping the kids for this concert did it all on their own personal time without ANY pay. They all took the day off with no pay to put on this concert.
This is very amazing and touching to me. In this economy and day and time I am shocked that there are teachers and people out there that are willing to do such a thing so a bunch of school kids can play their band instruments for their parents. That is true dedication and frankly I wish more people were committed to kids and their educations.
We have plenty of politicians that have no problem cutting our school budgets. When are people in this Country going to realize that our kids and their educations are #1 priority and we need to make some serious education reforms and make cutting education budgets unacceptable. I could go on and on about this but I will save it for another time.
So anyways back to the concert here is a picture of the entire 5th grade band but you can't even see my kid.
The concert was held at Coronado High School in South Scottsdale.
The place was packed with a lot of very proud family members.
Megans' Aunt Karen and her Cousin Daniel came to see her performance. Cousin Daniel plays percussion in his high school band and has played percussion probably since the 5th grade. I am hoping that Megan will continue to play all through High School as well.
This is Megan Band teacher Ms. Shaeffer. She is a very dedicated and awesome teacher. She does very well with the kids and took the entire day off without pay yesterday to make this amazing concert happen.
And this is Megan and I from last night.
After the concert we took Megan to her favorite place to celebrate we went to
Megan absolutely loves to go Yogurt-land and get a couple different flavors of Frozen Yogurt and put on a bunch of the strangest topping combinations.
When I was a kid any time we had a play or something at school or church my mom would always take us out for dinner or ice cream after to celebrate and I wanted to carry on the tradition with Megan.
They announced last night that there is going to be a 3 week Band Camp this summer and that the kids will learn as much in that 3 weeks as they would in an entire year of band at school so I am really going to see what I can do to encourage Megan to go and make it so she can go.
I would love for Megan to continue playing the flute forever. She does a great job at everything she tries and wants to do, and I think it teaches kids great discipline and they say that kids that play a musical instrument do better in school and score higher on the SAT's and a ton of other benefits so why would you not want your kid to play an instrument!
Good Job Megan!! Mommy and Lloyd are VERY proud of you!!!
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