Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lucky Little Found Doggie

So my husband and my daughter were running errands for me yesterday and came upon this cute little stray dog wondering the streets. Both my husband and my daughter are EXTREME animal lovers and felt they had to "save" this little guy. Mind you we have 4 dogs at home, 3 that are ours and one that is a foster, but they just had to bring this little guy home. Instantly my daughter fell in love and wanted to keep him. We both told her sorry honey but 5 dogs would just be too much. If Lloyd and Megan had their way we would live on a huge piece of property have save dogs all the time and have about 500.
Lloyd called several rescue and were sadly told they were few and could not take this little guy. There is NO WAY we would take this little guy to the pound as he would for sure be put to sleep and that would not be saving a dog if we took it some where would it would surely be killed. So I called my sister Karen on the off chance she might want a dog. I was surprised to hear that she was actually looking for a chihauhua and was going to the pound or to some one to get one. She was very excited and was at my house in a flash to see Colby and ended up taking him home. It really could not have worked out better. Lloyd and Megan saved a life, my sister got a dog for free and little Colby at this very moment is being spoiled like no one could possibly believe.
My sister bought him a collar, a leash, a dog bed, toys, a hoddie shirt, and food before she even took this little guy home. Today she was going to get him treats and a nice crate for him to sleep in. She is taking him to a vet to get his shots, and to a groomer to get his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed, and to also get him Neutered. She bathed him yesterday and said you could not imagine how such a cute little dog could possibly be so dirty.
So Colby has a great life now and he truly was saved. He was filthy dirty, and so skinny you can see all his ribs. My daughter is thrilled because although she can't keep him she can visit him, and Karen said when she goes out of town she will let Megan babysit him at our house.
So although I was afraid I was going to be stuck with 5 dogs it has turned into a wonderful deal for everyone, especially little cute Colby!

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