So my beautiful daughter Megan goes to the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Scottsdale everyday after School. They often have dress up days for various reason. So today was supposed to be "mascot day." Now I am not sure who or why this day was brought forward. Frankly it has just cost me anxiety. It never fails I get at the most 48 hours to come up with costumes for my very spirited daughter to wear. We have done everything from Pirates, to super heroes, animals, and UFO. I have managed most times to come up with a costume that not only makes my daughter happy but costumes that have won 1st place in the contest they have rather than not.
So this brings us to today. What to dress Megan up as. She wanted to go as a "Lima Bean" because that is the mascot of the Boys and Girls club she goes to. She wanted to dress all in green. I thought okay, simple enough. I thought we could also spray her hair green. She liked that idea and asked if we could go to the Dollar Store to get some colored hair spray. But of course they had none. Every other time I have gone there they had colored hair spray, but not yesterday.
So fine we discussed other option...maybe a hat. So last night she and I picked out all the green clothes we could in her room. When she went to bed I thought everything was a go.
So I wake her up this morning and get her dressed, still thinking all is a go. UNTIL.....she looked in the mirror. She came running back into the kitchen telling me she look stupid, and was going to change her clothes. She was very upset, mad, and disappointed. She asked if I would call the Boys and Girls Club and complain to them. She told me to tell them that they need to come up with costumes that are easier for people to put together. In her words "who has a mascot costume just laying around their house, or who wants to spent the money to rent a costume for just one goofy afternoon" and "who has a costume day on a Wednesday, and only gives two days notice to come up with such a costume as a Mascot?" Oh she was not happy. I apologized to her and told her usually mommy can come up with costume for her and usually they are pretty good ones. I said I am sorry I can't get them all right. I think she eventually accepted the fact that she wasn't going to be a mascot today. I truly hate disappointing my kid. She is the kid that dresses up for every single event. I like that she has the spirit and is not embarrassed by dressing up. So when this happens it really upsets me. Also there have been times lately where she doesn't want to dress up because she says the boys at school will make fun of her and that makes me mad. I try to tell her that they do it because they are jealous.
So I am sorry Megan I didn't come threw with a costume for you today.
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