but I did and I only did for the love of my husband!
My husband received an email from a guy that did not like MY OPINION, and rather than make life harder for my husband and although I have a first amendment right to free speech, I took it down.
However, I am posting this now!!
This is MY blog and the opinions on this blog belong to ME! They do not reflect the opinions of anyone else including my husband LLOYD STITES!
If some one has an issue with something I post on my blog they need to email ME, and not my husband as these are MY opinions not his!
My husband and I are Christian and love God, and we are not going to play dirty politics in my husband's election to be Constable, but we are fully expecting others to make his life difficult. To me in MY opinion that is a sign of fear, and people that would do this seem crave and have all the control in their lives they can.
We however are going to campaign our hearts out but we are leaving the results in the hands of our God and Savior for him to do his will whatever that is. HE has a plan for us and we must give our control up to him. That is not to say we are going to try hard and see who comes out on top, but we do not need to resort to dirty politicking or stealing sign or whatever else some one may plan to do to us and my husband's campaign.
I am finished with this subject, but I for now on will not take down a post just because some one didn't like what I had to say!
I hope everyone votes in all new people into office this election season and give all new people a try as I personally am not happy at all with the way the State of Arizona is being run or the Country as a whole so I am voting out all incubments this year, and I hope you all do to, and vote LLOYD STITES for Constable of the McDowell Mountain district!
I love my husband very much and will fully support him to the end and pray that he will come out the winner and can serve our community with honor and intergity with God in his heart!
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