Well School ended this week for my beautiful daughter Megan, she will be going into the 5th grade this fall. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!
We scheduled our summer vacation for July, but due to some unforeseen events in our life our vacation may not be what we had originally planned. However, we are praying and working hard that things may change for the better soon.
Megan had wanted to go to San Diego for a couple of days, and camping and to some water parks, but we will just have to see what God has in store for us this summer.
Megan had wanted to cut her hair for the long hot summer but recently changed her mind. She has such a big and loving heart. She is currently saving her change to donate to the Arizona Animal Welfare League, and she isn't cutting her hair this summer because she needs it to grow 3 more inches so that she can donate her hair to locks of love. She needs to be able to cut and give them 10 inches of hair to make a child's wig. If you want to see how you can help out children with cancer and Locks of love go to this link http://www.locksoflove.org/
I can not believe how caring my child is for everyone, animal or human. She makes me so proud to call her my daughter.
She made Principal's List all 4 quarters in school this year, and I am so very proud of her.
I haven't told Megan that our summer vacation plans most likely will be a whole lot different due to financial reason, because I am holding out hope that things may change and I won't have to break her heart.
So we will see how this summer goes, it is definitely going to be a summer of changes, and hopefully will end in the fall with some very good things for our family. We will just continue to have faith in God and his plans for us, and pray to him for guidance.
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