Thursday, December 31, 2009


As always at this time of year people start thinking about the up coming new year and what it may hold for them. I am no different and I am hoping for many positive things in this new year 2010.

My husband is running for the office of Constable. I think this would be so awesome. I held public office before and I ran in an elections. It is fun but stressful as well.

I am hoping that my daughter continues to do well in school and be a happy little girl. Her and I are so close and I am always fearful that when she gets older and enters puberty that may change. So I hope in the new year that we remain close and she never stops thinking I am a cool mom.

My husband and I both would like to quit smoking. I would like for my back to improve. Living with chronic lower back pain is a very draining thing and literally effects every part of my life. Although aside from back surgery I don't have much hope that my back is going to get better on it own in the next year. Lord knows I have tried everything in this last year.

I would like things to improve where my ex-husband is concerned. He needs to find a job so he can go back to helping me with Megan's tuition and her medical cost, and get current on the $8,000.00 he now owes me. I would even more like for him to have a better relationship with Megan for her sake. She has already found out he is unreliable, and he very often dissappoints her. The two things about that that bother me is one, it kills me to she her upset by something her Dad did and did not do. Two, because I am always the one that is there to mend her broken heart and it is not fair. I hate that he can not get his life together or at least make her a priority in his life. He saw her the least in 2009 than he has since we have been divorced. Each year he sees her less and less. I love that I don't have to share her and I get to have her most of the time, but I know it is a dissappointment to her that he is not around for her.

She loves my husband but she know that he is not her Dad, and she wants her Dad no matter how many faults he has.

I also would like Lloyd and I to be in better financial shape in the year 2010. I wish we both could get better jobs but unless the economy turns around I don' see that happening anytime soon.

Well tonight I want us to have just some family fun at home to ring in the new year. I am going to get some snacks, we are going to make hats for ourselves that represent our personalities and have a contest. We are going to go outside at Midnight and bang pots and pans like we did when I was a kid. Well that is if all of us can make it until Midnight. If not we will just celebrate New Years' with New York and then call it a night.

So let's all pray that 2010 will be a good year for all of us and for our Country!

Happy New Year!!!!

We welcome 2010!

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