Well Megan is going on an unofficial date today with an older boy!
Who is the boy you ask?
Well his name is Austin, he is the son of our friends Lance and Michelle. He is 11yrs old and just a sweet kid.
They are going to a Sock Hop tonight at Austin's school. Megan will be wearing a pink poodle skirt complete with petticoat, saddle shoes and a ponytail. I could not talk her into wearing the cat eye glasses though.
I will be for sure taking lots of pictures tonight for sure.
When I ask Megan if she was interested in going with Austin, she asked "why does he want ME to go with him, he is older than me." I said, "well I hear he thinks you are cute." I said "so do you want to go?" She says "well Mom he thinks I am cute so I don't want to disappoint him."
Seriously how cute is that? She has met him before but could not remember what he looked like so I had Michelle send me a picture of Austin on my cell phone. I sent it to Megan and she showed all her friends at school and now has it as her screen saver on her cell phone.
So tonight is finally here and I hope the adults leave the kids alone and they have a good time, and by this I mean I hope Megan's Big Daddy Lloyd doesn't threaten Austin if he gets near Megan for at least two reason. One it is a dance so that requires them to get a little close. Two, because they are just kids and kids at this age are not in to kissing and doing that kid of stuff with each other. At this age kids may say they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend but typically they don't even talk to each other. What typically happens at this age if a boy likes a girl they chase them on the playground or the boy will be mean to the girl. If a girl likes a boy they just giggle and laugh about it with their girl friends. So Lloyd chill out you have nothing to worry about. Please do not tease them or embarrass them. Just let them have fun!
So tomorrow I will post pictures of the dance! I think I may be more excited then they are!
The life and times of the Stites Family! Kathy (me), Lloyd, Megan, and the dogs- Maloney, Seymour, and Mardi
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My beautiful smart Daughter-Megan

I am so very proud of my daughter Megan.
Sometimes I look at her and thank God for giving me such a beautiful and smart daughter.
Sometimes I wonder if she is actually mine because she is so smart and beautiful. I know I wasn't that way when I was younger and I still am not.
She is such and animal lover she thinks that every bug has a right to live and that people should never hunt animals. Her first word was DOG, so I am not surprised. We never had dogs when her Father and I were married, but now she has 4. We foster for Arizona Border Collie Rescue and she just loves it. I love animals but I don't quite have the same love for ALL animals like bugs.
We do have some things in common. She has an enormous heart and is very sensitive. Which sometimes can not be such a good thing as it can lead to having a broken heart very easily.
Well here are a couple of pictures of her getting her 2nd quarter Principal list award, and she received one last quarter as well. She received all A's and just one B. I am so very proud of her. She has always been very good about doing her homework since Kindergarten.
They would send home 5 days worth of homework on Monday and she would insist on doing it ALL the day she brought it home.
I blame her being so smart on breastfeeding her until she was 2 years old, but a Doctor told me that it wasn't the case. She said she knew plenty of kids that were breastfed that weren't anywhere near as smart as Megan. The Doctor said it was genes and that I spent a lot of time reading to her and working with her.
Which is true, I have read to her every night since she was about 1 1/2 years old. Given a choice between staying up late but me not reading her a book, or going to bed extra early and that I would read her a book.....she always chose to go to bed early so I would read to her.
I still read to her to this day. I love to read to her and with her.
Her teachers all think that Megan taught herself to read in Kindergarten. I started Megan in Kindergarten when she was 4 1/2 years old. I was so scared that it would be too much for her and she couldn't handle it, yet at the same time I thought she was ready. She could recognize all the letters of the alphabet since she was 2, even before she could sing the song. But when she started kindergarten she didn't know that sounds of the letters. So I thought I was a bad mom. Well by the end of Kindergarten she could read a Dr Seuss book, ANY Dr. Seuss book. At first
I thought that I had read them to her so many times that maybe she had just memorized them, but that was not the case. She could in fact read!
So my baby girl is so very special! I love her and I truly and grateful every day of my life that I have her and that she is my daughter. She is sweet, smart, beautiful and just the best kid!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Weekend Fun

So this last weekend my husband Lloyd decided that we should go Gold panning. Whic it actually was a great time to do it. We had just had a ton of rain with lots of wash and rivers flooding which moves lots of sediment and ground that hasn't been moved in a while.
Of Course we didn't find any gold but it was a good time. When I lived in Northern California I use to go gold panning on the American River outside of Auburn.
We would have stayed longer but it was freezing cold and about to rain. We also really needed to have some sifters to make it a little easier to find gold. Straight panning is very hard and time consuming.
Megan had a great time and it was just a lot of fun for the whole family.
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